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Environmental Alarm in Kuwait: Stagnant Water Threatens East Sabah Al-Ahmad City

Kuwait: Residents of Sabah Al-Ahmad City in Kuwait have raised environmental concerns regarding the accumulation of stagnant water in the eastern sector. The issue stems from a lack of proper drainage infrastructure, leading to the formation of large pools of rainwater.

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Local media outlet Al-Rai reports that these stagnant water bodies have grown considerably, encircling the “East Sabah Al-Ahmad” housing project earmarked for residents who previously sold their homes. The project itself faces delays due to the absence of a functional sewage network, potable water connections, and electricity.

Sabah Turki Al-Usaimi, the head of the city’s residents’ committee, expressed his apprehension: “The delivery of housing units seems improbable with sewage lagoons surrounding them. Additionally, there are no extensions for potable water or electrical connections.” He further emphasized the new housing project’s lack of a proper sewage system, highlighting potential shortcomings of the relevant authorities.

Al-Usaimi proposed a two-part solution: an urgent extension of drainage systems from Sabah Al-Ahmad City and the establishment of power station connections for the area. To address the stagnant water issue, plans exist for a rainwater drainage sewer leading directly to the sea. However, the Ministry of Public Works has yet to implement this critical project, citing high costs.

The situation raises concerns about potential environmental pollution and increased insect activity due to the stagnant water. With new housing units nearing completion, the lack of proper infrastructure poses a significant health risk to residents. It is imperative for the relevant authorities to address these issues swiftly and prioritize the well-being of the community, reported Al Rai.

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