Posted By Jasmine Posted On

WhatsApp Channels Get a Much-Needed Makeover

WhatsApp users can rejoice! The popular messaging platform is set to introduce a significantly improved channels list, making it easier to discover and manage the channels you follow.

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Here’s a breakdown of the upcoming features:

  • Effortless Channel Creation and Exploration: A new feature will streamline creating and finding channels, enhancing the overall user experience.
  • Verified Badges for Trustworthy Channels: Spot verified badges right within the channel list, ensuring you follow credible sources.
  • Revamped Recommended Channels Section: Discover new and interesting channels with a redesigned recommendation section.
  • Bulk Actions for Multiple Channels: Manage your subscribed channels efficiently. The ability to select multiple channels for actions like muting, marking as read, or pinning is coming soon.

These upgrades aim to make following channels on WhatsApp a smoother experience. The bulk actions feature will be especially helpful, allowing you to manage notifications and channel clutter with ease.

While an official release date is unknown, this improved channels list feature is currently under development and is expected to be available in a future update of the WhatsApp app.

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