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Umrah Ticket Prices Double in Kuwait as Demand Spikes During Ramadan

Kuwait: Umrah travelers from Kuwait face a surge in ticket prices as demand for pilgrimage to the Holy Land doubles during the first ten days of Ramadan. Ticket prices, which ranged from KD150 to KD300 in the initial days, are expected to hit KD700 during the last ten days of the holy month, according to a report from Al-Seyassah daily.

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The surge in demand has led to a 30% increase in flights to Jeddah, Taif, and Madina compared to previous years. Travel agencies are offering attractive Umrah packages that include flights, accommodation, transportation, and meals to cater to pilgrims’ needs.

For budget-conscious travelers, land trips offer a more affordable option, with prices ranging from KD100 to KD150, inclusive of visa, hotel, and transportation.

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