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Kuwait Water Usage Soars Due to Rising Temperatures

Kuwait City, Kuwait: Kuwait’s water consumption spiked by 45 million imperial gallons on Monday, exceeding production capacity. The Ministry of Electricity, Water and Renewable Energy attributed the surge to scorching temperatures, which climbed above 50 degrees Celsius.

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Despite a strategic water reserve of 3.6 billion imperial gallons, officials stressed the importance of water conservation similar to electricity usage. Desalinating seawater is a costly process, and exceeding production capacity could necessitate dipping into reserves.

The good news is that electricity consumption remains stable. The national grid held steady in the “green zone” for the second consecutive day, thanks to the completion of maintenance work at South Zour Station, which added 1,000 megawatts to the grid.

However, stability doesn’t guarantee immunity from power cuts. The Ministry warns that programmed outages might be necessary in case of emergencies or a significant rise in consumption. They urge residents to continue following water and electricity conservation practices, which have proven effective, especially in government buildings.

The Kuwait Gulf Oil Company is leading by example. They announced efforts to reduce electricity consumption at their facilities by turning off lights, air conditioning, and electronics after work hours. Similar measures are being implemented in joint operation areas.

Experts emphasize the need for a long-term plan to promote water and electricity conservation. Public awareness campaigns are underway, featuring educational posters, leaflets, and video clips to educate residents and prevent power cuts.

This situation highlights the challenges Kuwait faces due to extreme temperatures. By implementing water-saving measures and maintaining responsible electricity consumption, residents can help ensure a stable summer for everyone.

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