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Kuwaiti Ministry of Health Announces Revamped Childhood Immunization Program

Kuwait: In a significant step towards public health advancement, the Kuwaiti Ministry of Health (MoH) unveiled a modernized childhood immunization program. This initiative, spearheaded by Minister of Health Dr. Ahmed Abdel Wahab Al-Awadhi, aligns the program with the latest recommendations established by the National Committee for the General Immunization Plan.

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The new Kuwaiti childhood immunization program incorporates several key improvements. The Pentavalent vaccine will be replaced by the Hexavalent vaccine, offering broader protection against six diseases at crucial junctures (2, 4, 6, and 18 months). A streamlined MMRV vaccine will take the place of the previous two-dose MMR and Varicella vaccines, simplifying the regimen at 2 years old. Maternal and child immunization will also be enhanced: pregnant women will receive the Tdap vaccine, and school-aged children will switch from the Td to the Tdap vaccine for more thorough coverage. Finally, the program implements the DTaP vaccine at 3.5 years old to replace the DPT vaccine, while strategically removing unnecessary booster doses based on updated guidelines. These advancements demonstrate the program’s commitment to providing the most effective protection for children.

The MoH is committed to guaranteeing a smooth rollout of the program. The Public Health Department will distribute technical instructions and provide essential training to healthcare workers administering the vaccines. The Medical Warehouses Department will prioritize maintaining sufficient vaccine stocks. The Financial Affairs Sector will allocate the necessary funds to support the program’s execution.

The implementation of the revised program, is scheduled for January 2025. It signifies the MoH’s unwavering dedication to safeguarding child health and fostering a culture of public health excellence across Kuwait. This initiative demonstrates the Ministry’s commitment to proactive public health measures . And reflects its alignment with best practices in childhood immunization, Al Jarida reported.

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