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Good News for Expats in Kuwait: Visa Rules Might Get Easier by June!

Kuwait City, Kuwait: The Kuwaiti Ministry of Interior (MoI) is exploring revisions to visa regulations for expats, including family, commercial, and tourist visas. These potential changes are expected to be announced by June 2024.

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The MoI’s review follows a security assessment and aligns with the government’s plan to open up the country. The aim is to balance social needs, support residents, and revitalize the tourism and commerce sectors.

A key focus of the revisions is the salary requirement for family visit visas. Currently, sponsors need a minimum monthly salary of 400 KD for parents, spouses, and children, and 800 KD for other relatives. Sources familiar with the matter say complaints have been raised about this clause, particularly regarding infants. The possibility of revising this condition is being considered.

The MoI is also aware of attempts to circumvent existing regulations. They are looking at ways to address these attempts while potentially offering exceptions for certain situations. For example, exceptions to the “national carrier” requirement might be made for nationalities with limited or no direct flights to Kuwait, or where security concerns exist.

While details remain unclear, this news offers hope for expats seeking to reunite with family or explore business and tourism opportunities in Kuwait. We can expect a clearer picture by June 2024.

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