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Gold Rush in Ramadan: Kuwaiti Women Embrace Heritage Gold for the Holy Month

Kuwait: Kuwaiti women are flocking to gold shops in preparation for Ramadan, sparking a surge in demand for traditional jewelry designs. The holy month is known for its emphasis on cultural attire. Also, gold is seen as the perfect complement to traditional garments. This year, there’s a particular interest in reviving classic pieces like “al-mammash” and “marami” bracelets and rings, reflecting a desire to connect with Kuwaiti heritage.

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Gold jewelry is increasingly seen as an essential element of attire for Ramadan gatherings like “ghabqas” and “Quraysh,” further fueling demand. Ramadan’s spirit and traditions are driving a renewed interest in gold jewelry among Kuwaiti women. This trend is particularly strong for gatherings like “ghabqas” and other Ramadan events. The places where women want their traditional attire to be complete with beautiful gold pieces. Recent years have seen a significant rise in gold jewelry purchases across all age groups, solidifying its role as both a treasured decoration and a valuable possession.

The allure of gold goes beyond aesthetics. Many view it as a sound investment, especially with Ramadan gatherings and gift-giving traditions on the horizon. Despite recent fluctuations, gold prices haven’t dampened enthusiasm, with local shops reporting a significant rise in customer traffic. This pre-Ramadan gold rush is a testament to the enduring cultural significance of the precious metal in Kuwait.

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