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Water Shortage Looms in Gulf Countries as Seawater Salinity Rises

Kuwait City, Kuwait: Countries in the Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) region, already struggling with scarce freshwater resources due to arid environments, are facing a new threat: rising salinity levels in seawater. This increase in salt concentration poses a significant danger to the desalination process, a vital source of drinkable water in the region.

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With an average daily water consumption exceeding 295 liters per person, one of the highest globally, the GCC relies heavily on desalination plants. However, these very plants are contributing to the salinity problem. Traditional desalination techniques produce concentrated brine as a byproduct, which is released back into the sea, raising overall salinity levels.

Dr. Badr Al-Enezi, vice dean at Kuwait University’s College of Life Sciences, warns that salinity levels on the Kuwaiti coastline are approaching a critical point. While current levels range from 45 to 50 percent, anything above 55 percent could significantly hinder desalination efforts.

There is a glimmer of hope, however. Dr. Al-Enezi, collaborating with various Kuwaiti and international entities, has developed three potential solutions. These include innovative desalination technologies designed to both decrease salinity levels and minimize environmental impact.

The situation highlights the urgent need for the GCC region to explore sustainable water management practices and invest in new desalination technologies to safeguard this vital resource in the face of climate change and rising salinity.

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