Posted By Jasmine Posted On

Kuwait’s Workforce Booms: Indians Up, Egyptians Down

Kuwait: Kuwait’s workforce has reached a new high of 2.9 million, with foreign workers making up the vast majority. The number of non-Kuwaiti workers, excluding domestic helpers, jumped to 1.68 million by the end of 2023, a significant increase from the previous year. This surge reflects the growing importance of foreign labor in Kuwait’s economy, with expats now constituting nearly 79% of the total workforce.

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While the overall workforce saw growth, there were some interesting shifts in nationalities. The Indian community experienced a boom, with their ranks swelling to over 535,000 workers, a jump of nearly 40,000 from 2022. Egyptians, on the other hand, saw a slight decline of around 6,000 workers.

The news wasn’t all about established expat communities. Workers from Bangladesh and Nepal also saw significant increases. Bangladesh added 18,000 workers, while Nepal witnessed a remarkable 27% surge, bringing their total to over 80,000 by year-end.

This trend highlights Kuwait’s growing diversification in its foreign workforce, with South Asian countries playing an increasingly prominent role, reported Kuwait Local.

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