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Meteorological Department Issues Heat Advisory as Summer Approaches

KUWAIT CITY, Kuwait: The Kuwaiti Meteorological Department has issued a seasonal forecast predicting rising temperatures as the nation transitions from spring to summer. Residents can expect highs ranging from 32 to 34 degrees Celsius (90-93 degrees Fahrenheit) in the coming days.

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Director Abdul Aziz Al Qara confirmed an end to the recent period of moderate weather. While nighttime temperatures may offer some relief, daytime highs are projected to climb steadily over the next several weeks. By June, Kuwait is expected to experience its customary peak summer heat, routinely ranking among the hottest countries in the region.

In anticipation of the impending temperature rise, the government has re-affirmed existing restrictions on outdoor work for non-Kuwaiti citizens from June 1st to August 31st. This policy aims to safeguard worker health and safety during the hottest months of the year.

The Meteorological Department advises residents to exercise caution as temperatures rise. Staying hydrated, limiting strenuous activity during peak sunlight hours, and wearing protective clothing are all recommended measures.

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